Chlamydia psittaci

The chlamydia are Gram negative bacteria that need of an intracellular environment for multiplication. After infection, the bacterium resides within cytoplasmic inclusion where it replicates by binary fission, then destroys the cell to spread. (1)
Infection with C. psittaci is endemic in parrots and other Psitticine. Other domestic and wild birds can also be naturally infected, example gulls, pigeons, sparrows and blackbirds. In many cases, infected birds show no symptoms, remaining as carriers for long periods of time. The main mode of transmission is contact with contaminated dust, feces and secretions from an infected bird.
Symptoms vary greatly in severity and depend on age and species of bird. They can include conjunctivitis, respiratory problems, gastrointestinal dysfunction and hepatitis. The most commonly used diagnostic methods include culture, ELISA, immunofluorescence, serology and DNA-based (1,2).
Bioingentech can detect Chlamydia psittaci using the following techniques, supported by the World Organisation for Animal Health (OIE) (2, 3):



Direct amended of posting to add Chlamydia test

Manual de las Pruebas de Diagnóstico y de las Vacunas para los Animales Terrestres de la OIE (2)


Manual de las Pruebas de Diagnóstico y de las Vacunas para los Animales Terrestres de la OIE (2)

Polymerase chain reaction

Manual de las Pruebas de Diagnóstico y de las Vacunas para los Animales Terrestres de la OIE (2)
